A top-down bullet-dodging game where you spin into enemies, switch elements to exploit their weaknesses, and level up as you try to survive waves of stronger foes.

WASD to move

To spin you have to do the following very quickly:
(1) Click and hold near the top of the game window
(2) Drag down towards the bottom of the game window
(3) Release near the bottom of the game window or off-screen

The faster you're spinning, the more damage you do to enemies.

You will do 3x damage to an enemy if you're the opposite of their element.

If you're still having trouble, watching this gameplay video might help: 

This game was made in 48 hours without using a game engine during an unofficial game jam between friends, with exception to like two minutes of tweaks I did after demoing the game. The prompt was "The Environment Changes You + An Unconventional Weapon".

All the development of this game was livestreamed on YouTube. You can see the playlist here.

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